Annual Meeting, Saturday November 9, 2013 - 11am-3pm

Women’s City Club of Pasadena, 160 North Oakland Ave, Pasadena.

The UNA-USA Southern California Division invites all members and guests to attend our Annual Luncheon Meeting on Saturday, Novembe 9th, 2013 from 11:00 AM to 3 PM at the Women's City Club of Pasadena.

We are honored to have as our KEYNOTE SPEAKER:

Stephane Dujarric


Mr. Stephané Dujarric, Director, News and Media Division, Department of Public Information, United Nations.

A business meeting is planned with elections of officers and tributes to our outstanding chapter leaders.

Google Map: Link to Map

Parking: directly behind the beautiful, historic building - 165 N. Madison (between Walnut and Union) 2nd driveway south of Walnut on west side of Madison. Download PDF of Parking MAP


RESERVATIONS: This year, we have three options: $60 sponsors - seated near the podium, $45 regular, and $35 YPIC or student. The price includes luncheon and dessert and our very special program. Payment options are online reservation or by sending your checks payable to SoCal UNA-USA to Jim Stanbery, Division Treasurer, PO Box 172, San Pedro, CA 90733 by October 31st so we may reserve enough meals.


ON-LINE RESERVATIONS by Credit Card or PayPal

Sponsor Admission  
General Admission  
Student/Young Professionals
Note: After payment, you will receive an email confirmation of payment:
"Your Payment to Jim Stanbery"
Better World Fund
UN News Service
UN Chronicle
Un Foundation