Schedule of SoCal UNA-USA Region/Division Board Meetings


General SoCal UNA-USA Board Meetings: 2011

Saturday Jan 29th, Noon to 3:00 PM, General SoCal UNA Board Meeting, division board members expected, all members & guests welcome, - Whittier Chapter hosting - Minutes of Meeting

Saturday, May 21st, 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM, SoCal Divison meeting (all members invited) to review national governing documents in preparation for the June 12-14 national UNS-USA meeting. Pacific LA chapter hosting. Draft of Minutes

Sunday, June 26th, 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM, General SoCal UNA Board Meeting, division board members expected, all members & guests welcome for board meeting and welcome to join Charter Day Celebrations following. San Diego Chapter hosting - Minutes of Meeting

Saturday, Sept 10th, 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM, General SoCal UNA Board Meeting, division board members expected, all members & guests welcome. Pomona Valley chapter hosting. Porter Hall, Pilgrim Place, 601 Mayflower Road, Claremont CA 91711  $20 for lunch.

SoCal UNA-USA Executive Committee Meetings - 2011

Saturday, Feb 26th, 11:30 to 2:00 PM, Executive Committee SoCal UNA Meeting, ExComm members expected, chapter leaders welcome, Diamond Bar**

Saturday, Apr 2nd, 11:30 to 2:00 PM, Exec Committee SoCal UNA Board Meeting, ExComm members expected, chapter leaders welcome, LAX* - Minutes of Meeting

To facilitate our joining Richard's memorial and avoid other scheduling conflicts, we have rescheduled our division ExComm meeting from October 1st to Saturday, October 15th, with a luncheon meeting spot ($7 minimum purchase) between 12:30 and 3:00 PM at the Village Grille 148 Yale Ave, Claremont. All ExComm members are expected and UNA members are welcome. Minutes of Meeting

Saturday, Dec 10th, 11:30 to 2:00 PM, Executive Committee SoCal UNA Meeting, ExComm members expected, chapter leaders welcome, LAX*

* LAX executive committee meetings at Flower Drum Restaurant 4843 W. Century Blvd., Inglewood, CA, 90304
** Diamond Bar executive committee meetings at Shilo Inn, 3101 W. Temple Ave., Diamond Bar, CA.


UNA-USA – Southern California –Region 9 Meeting - Arlington Hilton, Arlington Virginia - June 12, 2011

Approved minutes


SoCal Region/Division Annual Meeting - 2011

Saturday, Nov 5th, 10:00 to 3:30 PM, SoCal UNA Annual Meeting – all chapter members and guests welcome as we develop chapter skills, honor our leaders, and partner with the United Nations Foundation.  Guest speaker, Liuba Grechen, Director of Membership, UNA-USA. Location: Pasadena Women’s City Club, 160 North Oakland Ave, Pasadena CA 91101  Cost $40 for whole day meeting and lunch.


Archive: Annual Meeting November 6, 2010 - Photos of Event

Approved Minutes (PFD)

Meetings and minutes 2010

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