Government Relations Reference Resolutions 2007 and 2005      Chapter, SoCal Division and UNA National Convention Adopted Texts

Page Revised 1/10/09

Nuclear Power / Nuclear Armaments

People to People Promotion of Millennium Development Goals
Pre-emptive War and Geneva Code Violations
Security and Self-Determination of Iraqi Peoples
    Iraq Resolution submitted by Ardishir Rashidi-Kalhur
Working Through the United Nations

pdf Final Substantive Resolutions as adopted by The United Nations Association of the USA at the 2007 Biennial National Convention, February 28-March 4, 2007, Roosevelt Hotel, NYC

Final approved S.11 Iraq resolution (taken from the Final Substantive Resolutions PDF document above)


Sponsored by San Fernando Valley Chapter UNA-USA
Approved by Southern California Division UNA-USA

The 2007 Biennial National Convention of United Nations Association of the United States of America
Knowing that the operation of nuclear power plants generates plutonium that powers nuclear armaments;
Acknowledging that nuclear bombs or terrorist attacks may destroy civilization;
Understanding that the 103 US deteriorating nuclear plants produce no net energy and are not cost effective if the full uranium fuel cycle: mining, transporting, processing, and waste containment/reprocessing, all powered by fossil fuels, is considered;
Realizing that there exists no current solution to long term storage of nuclear high level waste;
Knowing that most on-site nuclear waste fuel pools are overcapacity and becoming more dangerous;
Believing that humans are capable of changing course from planetary destruction to planetary peace building and "saving future generations from the scourge of war;"
Believing that all nuclear power in the US can be replaced by conservation, solar, wind, tidal and wave action, biofuels, and co-generation within a decade or two;
The National Convention of the United Nations Association of the United States
Recommends to the US government that we: discontinue all plans to build or replace nuclear plants, close existing plants before they become too dangerous to continue operation, encourage other countries to phase-out nuclear power, implement treaties to eliminate nuclear armaments, reaffirming the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and cooperate in bringing technologies for alternative renewable energy to the world
Be it further requested that UNA-USA forward this resolution to appropriate United States and United Nations officials, including:  President George Bush, Representative Nancy Pelosi,  Senator Harry Reid, Senator Joseph Biden, World Federation of United Nations Associations President Dr. Hans Blix, and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

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Sponsored by: UNA Coastal Alliance Chapters, Coastline, Harbor, and Long Beach
Approved by Southern California Division UNA-USA

The 2007 Biennial National Convention of the United Nations Association of the United States of America

ENCOURAGED that the Millennium Development Goals adopted by the 192 UN member governments, the entire world family of nations, symbolize 
beginning of a new unity of humanitarian efforts to reduce worldwide suffering;

HOPEFUL that the pleas of hundreds of millions of men and women through all nations for cessation of people to people war and brutality, will be heard by their nation leaders as a call for transition from investment in war---to investment in people-needs.

CONVINCED that attainment of the Millennium Development Goals can be the reversal change of the current global descent into poverty and degradation---can boost and enable families who are struggling to survive. 

CONCERNED that governments of the prosperous nations may not respond with
large-scale projects and funding unless a great volume of voices of citizens of goodwill is sounded to alert and challenge the leaders.

ACKNOWLEDGING response to the Southern California Division Annual Meeting, the Coastal Alliance (Coastline, Harbor and Long Beach Chapters) has adopted a people-to-people project on share-responsibility for immigration reform in which they, with other organizations, will begin MDG promotion in their own neighborhoods, and across the Mexican border.  Designating a school in a small border town in Mexico for adoption and sponsorship, this initial project will provide materials and mentorship in an effort to meet the educational needs of an extremely impoverished community.

The National Convention of the United Nations Association of the United States
THEREFORE SEEKS to involve all chapters, divisions, UN Council of Organizations entities, and appropriate staff departments of UNA-USA in a people-to-people campaign for the Millennium Development Goals;

OFFERS  public note of appreciation, commendation through the media, through participating organizations, and other venues, to and for, corporate leaders who effect MDG progress in third or fourth world towns or cities in which the corporation operates;

APPEALS to the government of the United States to establish a Peace Department in the US federal government structure, to provide peacebuilding information, recruitment and support for government, corporate, foundation, educational institutions and citizen organization people-to-people, for profit and nonprofit peacebuilding efforts; and further
be designated to work with and through the UN’s new Peacebuilding Commission.

ASKS that the initial thrust of the new department be public information and public participation projects and programs toward achievement of the Millennium Goals; and
requests that UNA-USA send copy of this resolution to appropriate US and
UN officials and agencies, including, President George Bush.

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Sponsored by San Diego Chapter UNA-USA
Approved by Southern California Division UNA-USA

The 2007 Biennial National Convention of the United Nations Association of the United States of America…

Noting that the current administration of the United States and several other nations have violated their endorsement of the UN Charter by proclaiming an unprecedented "right," not recognized in law, to pre-emptively attack nations claimed to constitute a threat;

Recalling that our nation's ratification of the UN Charter obligates our government and other member nations to avoid the use of armed force except when: a) clearly in  self-defense or; b) pursuant to a Security Council Resolution; while our Constitution vests "war powers" in the Congress, not in the executive branch of government alone;

Troubled that the bypassing of such obligations, as with the invasion of Iraq, has caused untold suffering and the death of hundreds of thousands of civilians, alongside thousands of American and international war participants, and the vast drain of resources needed for constructive purposes in our world;

Concerned that threats of “pre-emptive war” are again being circulated with regard to other nations, thereby threatening to take our world further into needless suffering and darkness, while building great debts and deficits of goodwill to darken the horizons of succeeding generations;

The National Convention of the United Nations Association of the United States


I.       Urges our own administration and those of other UN member nations immediately cease all movement toward additional "pre-emptive" wars;

II.       Requests our national political leaders to redirect our national treasure - now being wasted upon speculative wars and drained via corruption and war-profiteering - toward humane and constructive uses, including urgent humanitarian needs at home and abroad;

III.      Calls upon the Attorney General of our nation and the magistrates of the International Criminal Court to proceed with the conviction of any persons that have violated international war crimes statutes or the Geneva Conventions, to assist our society in re-establishing basic principles of civilized and lawful conduct;

 IV.      Demands an end to all unjust and illegal behavior being committed "in our name," and the creation of a just and humane world in its place; the creation of a world without war, made possible via the creation of greater social, political and economic justice.

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Submitted by Citrus Belt Chapter and Whittier Chapter and
Co-Sponsored by Southern California Division UNA-USA

Note: The Southern California Division Delegation voted to support Seattle's Resolution which was approved by the Convention delegates.

The 2007 Biennial National convention of the United Nations Association of the United States of America

CONCERNED that our government pursues an accelerating military occupation and training/equipping---build-up---of a central government army in Iraq;

QUESTIONING whether the development of a militarized central government, and our on-going construction of permanent Iraqi military bases may portend, to Iraqis and to the world, intent to establish permanent domination of the Iraqi people;

KNOWING that the Kurdish people have expressed apprehension that powerful militarist central government might repeat the history of central government violation of international law and disregard for the rights of the Kurdish people;

RECOGNIZING l. the Kurdish people’s need to secure the “equal rights and self determination of peoples,” principle of the United Nations Charter, Chapter 1 Article 1, and
2.  that in 2005, under Iraqi Transitional Administrative Law, the Kurds, in their first free election, formed the Kurdistan National Assembly, seeking democratic rights and future safety and welfare, and
3. that more than 1.7 million Kurds voted by referendum consensus for expanded self government;

AWARE that Sunni armed opposition, to both occupation and to strong centralized government, is impelled by:
1. fear of “tyranny of the majority,”
2.  the determination of some Sunnis to restore their former control of Baghdad.
3. apprehension of Sunnis that they will be denied oil revenues---even though Kurd leaders have offered to share  with the Sunnis, oil revenues from under Kurd lands, consistent with the Iraqi Federal Constitution, to be administered fairly, ensuring just and transparent distribution as provided in Article 104 of the Iraqi constitution;

INFORMED by the British Defense Ministry of an August 2006 release of an authoritative Iraq University research poll estimated that 82% of Iraqis “strongly opposed” the presence of coalition troops;

KNOWING that successive polls show strong United Nations support expressed by the American people, and that the US November national elections signaled determination to end occupation and armed intervention in Iraq;

REALIZING that exit of occupation military forces is prerequisite to United Nations truce/peace building processes;

The National Convention of the United Nations Association of the United States

THEREFORE, CALLS ON The houses of the United States Congress to

 l. restore cooperative relations with the UN Security Council to multilaterally achieve the end of military occupation of Iraq through transition to established United Nations peace process;
2. declare the end of US military intervention  and occupation of Iraq;
3. express willingness to restore US participation in negotiations of the truce process, while acceding to United Nations exclusion of the conflict’s combatant forces from administrative authority;
4. transfer military funds, that might have been expended in continuing war in Iraq, depositing them to the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission, for Iraqi rebuilding of destroyed infrastructure and community restoration, under neighborhood and regional Iraqi authority and administration, with limited US monitoring  participation, and with secure accounting provisions;

REQUESTS the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission:
l. to conduct a thorough analysis and referendums to consider emphasis on training and equipping regional and local community law enforcement rather than a strong militarist central government army and military bases;
2. to pursue this change of course if investigation indicates that the change would reduce violence, and if there are non-aligned nations not involved in combat in Iraq that are capable and willing to assist in training and equipping local law enforcement, and further,
3. recommend that the UN Peacebuilding Commission---in the spirit of the Charter’s self determination of peoples---hold referendums in all known regions, cities and areas of the diverse peoples of Iraq to determine the extent of self government, and proportions of power division between local/regional domestic police and central government military power, to provide security, and to provide self-determination in other decision making issues that may be sources of conflict between the peoples of Iraq;

FURTHER REQUESTS that this resolution be communicated to Dr. Hans Blix, president of the World Federation of United Nations Associations. President George Bush, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and other appropriate US and UN leaders.                
An underlying principle applicable to the Iraq crisis, to all potential international conflict of interests in the world of nation states and to achievement of the common survival goals of all peoples:  Supporting material: see Work Through the United Nations


Sponsored by:  Pasadena-Foothills Chapter and Pacific-Los Angeles Chapter
Approved by Southern California Division UNA-USA

Recognizing the benefits to the peoples of the world that United States leadership in the United Nations could offer,

Realizing that United States’ goals---expressed mutually with the peoples of the United Nations in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals---may be achieved only by “working through the UN.”

Aware that peacebuilding, the priority goal of the people of the United States in the international community, must be a common endeavor of the world’s peoples, 

We appeal to the members and leaders of the United Nations Association-USA and its affiliated Council of  Organizations to reaffirm their determination to bring the USA into alignment with the192 other nations of the United Nations, in commitment and action to achieve these goals, and

Pledge to the World Federation of United Nations Associations to unite our efforts to gain US government action to ‘work through the United Nations’ to:

    1. end the Iraq conflict,
    2. bring peace to Israel and Palestine,
    3. contain nuclear proliferation in Iran and North Korea
    4. end the Darfur conflict and aid Africa development,
    5. pay our UN dues, in full, when due,
    6. appoint a US UN delegate who believes in the UN and the opportunity it provides for us and for the world,   
    7. obtain Congressional action to release five years of Congressional approved funding to the United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA), that has been withheld by the US Government Administration,
    8. ratify the UN human rights conventions that have won the commitment of all except a few governments: The Convention on the Rights of the Child, The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and
    9. return to the path of international law, by ratification and adherence to almost universally ratified UN treaties:  the International Test-Ban, the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty, The Kyota Accords, the Landmine Ban, the Law of the Sea, and ratification of the  International Criminal Court . 

First Priority---The United Nations Millennium Development Goal


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For your information we are including this UNA-USA approved resolution.

S.11 Iraq

Note: This resolution (submitted by Seattle) is one of the Final Substantive Resolutions as adopted by The United Nations Association of the USA at the 2007 Biennial National Convention - February 28-March 4, 2007.

The National Convention of the United Nations Association of the United States of America,

Observing that the ongoing Iraq conflict has caused enormous civil strife in Iraq, including significant infrastructure damage, extreme sectarian violence and slaughter;

Noting that all Iraqis are entitled to fundamental human rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

Recognizing the 1.8 million internally displaced persons and refugee outflow of two million persons which the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees states is a humanitarian disaster, the largest such number since the Palestinian displacement in 1948;

Observing that 80 percent of Iraqis and 60 percent of Americans believe that United States occupation of Iraq should cease, and that further, the Iraq Study Group observes that 61 percent of Iraqis favor armed attacks on US forces;
Discerning that Iraqis have a strong personal sense of entitlement to their oil wealth, a resource which should remain a public sector asset;

Observing that the ongoing construction of permanent US military bases is perceived by the Iraqis as the intent of establishing permanent domination of Iraq;

Finding that the frontline states bordering Iraq have no long term interest in promoting turmoil on their borders, that phased early US troop departure, coupled with a UN-sponsored regional conference on achieving stability and acceptable governance in Iraq, is more likely to achieve peace and stability than is continued US troop presence in the country;

Noting that a comprehensive solution to the Iraq conflict is not possible without constructive US engagement with Iraq's neighbors, including Syria and Iran;
Applauding the recent efforts to convene international meetings on Iraq of interested parties, including the US, Syria and Iran;

Recognizing the overall US financial cost of the Iraq war may exceed $2 trillion; and

Realizing that the rapid exit of occupation military forces is a prerequisite to peacemaking;


Calls upon the US government to:

1. Request the UN to organize an international conference to include all major Iraqi factions, Middle Eastern countries, particularly Syria and Iran, and other major international players, the aim of which is to devise a national reconciliation process, build stability in Iraq and distribute political power equitably in order to ease sectarian violence;

2. Recognize that an objective of the conference would be to establish a process to achieve a unified, sovereign country, ruled by a government derived by its authority from the governed, with protections for minorities, the process of which is to be guided by the UN with assistance as needed from a UN international peace-keeping force;

3. Complete the withdrawal of US military forces from Iraq by December 31, 2007;

4. Declare that it will not permanently base US troops in Iraq and discontinue the construction of all US military bases in Iraq;

5. Through the UN, fund and facilitate the reconstruction, primarily by Iraqis, of the Iraqi infrastructure and buildings damaged or destroyed as a result of the Iraq War with support of the UN Development Fund for Iraq, including a comprehensive clean-up of cluster bombs, depleted uranium, and other munitions;

6. Exert maximum effort to create employment for Iraqis;

7. Ensure that negotiations by Iraqis on oil issues, particularly distribution of revenues, are conducted on an open, not secretive basis;

8. Facilitate a level playing field for all commercial ventures;

9. Assure sufficient funding to the UNHCR to assist Iraqi refugees and internally displaced persons, and accept Iraqi refugees into the US as needed in concert with the UNHCR; and

Calls upon the UN Security Council to:

1. Provide, under UN direction and supervision, for such international security presence as may be agreed to by the international conference recommended above and by the contending Iraqi forces;

2. In accordance with UN Security Council resolution 1325, ensure that women from all sectors of Iraqi society be included in any and all negotiations which will affect their lives and futures; and

Calls upon the association to communicate this resolution to the President, the Secretary of State and other relevant officials in the Executive Branch, select members of the US Congress and the UN Secretary-General and other relevant UN officials and the World Federation of United Nations Associations.

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[Note: the following resolution was submitted by Ardishir Rashidi-Kalhur, Past President, UNA-USA Southern California Division and is pending chapter and division approvals.]

Iraq Resolution

OBSERVING   that the ongoing Iraq conflict has caused enormous sectarian violence and division along religious, ethnic and regional constituencies.

RECOGNIZING That all Iraqis are entitled to fundamental human rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and self-determination as established in the first article of the first chapter of the Charter of the United Nations.

NOTING that the new Iraqi’s constitution calls for rights of the peoples of Iraqi Government and Kurdistan Regional Government to resolve their differences and territorial disputes through democratic process and holding of referendums.

KNOWING that Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution calls for resolution to the status of the city of Kirkuk through a referendum that is to be held by the end of the year 2007.

CALLS UPON  the United States government to engage in an international diplomatic efforts to involve the United Nations Department of Electoral Division to facilitate an Iraqi referendum to see that the Iraqi people determine their own future peacefully.

ASKING that the outcome of this Democratically held referendum be recognized, protected and safeguarded by the United Nations, United States and the regional powers.


REQUESTS that the Association communicate this resolution to the President, the Secretary  of States and other relevant officials in the Executive Branch, select members of the US Congress, the UN Secretary-General and other relevant UN officials and the World Federation of the United Nations association.

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Click here to view 2005 Southern California Division Resolutions - Approved by the National Convention

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