Meeting Minutes

SCD Board Meeting - April 21, 2007
Executive Committee - Feb 24, 2007
SCD Board Meeting - Jan 27, 2007

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes - February 24, 2007

February 24, 2007 Division Executive Committee Meeting – Southern California UNA-USA - 10 AM, Diamond Bar, CA  
Present: Ardi Rashidi (pres), Diane Gonzalez (vp programs), Rome Friesen (vp resource devel), Jim Stanbery (treas), Richard Harris (vp chapter serv), and Mel Boynton (chapter rep).  Absent: Kazu Furuta (vp communication), Kam Leung (sec), and Sherry Simpson Dean (chapter rep).
In Kam Leung’s absence and per Diane’s request, Mel finished taking notes from today’s Executive Committee Meeting.
1. Jim shared the current treasurer report.  Diane will do her best to gather statements to show division moneys received and spent for the November annual meeting. Jim is implementing the investment option approved last April for division moneys.  Financial Committee (Ardi Rashidi, Jim Stanbery, and Rome Friesen) will review ongoing account decisions.  Jim will advise Orange County chapter of our account choices - so O.C. may use the same investment options if they choose.  
2. Review of NYC national convention to be held next week (March 1-4).  Ardi reviewed schedule for March 3 region 9 (SoCal) meeting. Mel shared action plan spreadsheet and focus session handouts.  Website progress <>  will also be shared. We will continue upgrading the website so that the Division, VPs & Advocacy Chairs have the opportunity to solicit fund from the general public toward a specific and worthy program and cause sponsored by the Division. This will be coordinated with webmaster Shirley Williams.
3. Rome offered $300 of development budget to support the work of the webmaster. ExComm members present recommend to the division that an added $200 be budgeted (totaling $500) for division webmaster in 2007.  
4. 2007 Annual Division Meeting is currently scheduled for November 3rd.  Rome Friesen will help explore locations and possible speaker(s) but he declines organizing the meeting itself.

Meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon.  Lunch followed. Respectfully submitted,
Mel Boynton

Minutes of the SCD Board Meeting, Jan 27 2007 at Woman’s Clinic, Upland.

Present : Sherry Simpson, David Tuckman, Jim Stanberry, Mel Boynton, Brian Bise, John Osborn,  Rome Friesen, Diane Gonzales, Rene Wilson, Ardi Rashidi, Kam Leung, Richard Harris, Judith Harris, Lyn Harris Hicks, Ted Lutzinger, Stevan Lunich, Shirley Williams, Harry Hood, Suzanne Burger, Darshall Berg, Margaret Solderberg.

The meeting was called to order at 10:15AM. Per published agenda:

1. Annual Mtg minutes and ExCom minutes were distributed. No comments

2. Treasurer’s Report Jim distributed the rpt and budget. The year closed with $3594 on hand. This being the 3rd request, a $10,000 check will be written to transfer our funds to the Webush account. It is not FDIC insured, but bears interest and ½ can be drawn on demand at any time. Per capita was 56% paid up, with Pacific LA and SD at zero. Only SD grew from 293 to 410 members in 5 years. Jim will further pursue $1000 in Annual Meeting receipts from Diane. Rene asked Jim about the purpose of the Lynn Davanzo Fund and, once transferred, would it still be available for that purpose.  Jim responded that it was to assist any worthy students to attend MUN programs and it will remain available for that purpose. Diane asked about Programs Funds and her budget. The 2007 Budget was approved by voice vote.

3. Open Remarks The 2007-2008 Chapter & Division Action Plan was distributed (Shirley will post it on the web.) Stevan complemented the plan and asked for details of execution. Jim responded that programs listed on the form are not automatic   It is up to each chapter to carry out their own Action Plan's Goals and Objectives, and be in communication with the Division VP for that topic.  Both should work together on the matrix. Mel noted that he will bring the plan to Pomona Chapter for their Annual Mtg next day. Sherry plans to add 200 new members. Ardi appointed Jim Van der Water as co-chair of a Communication Committee. Kazu remainsas the elected VP of Communications.

4. Introduce New Members Mel from Pomona Chapter and Sherry from Pasadena were voted as Chapter Reps. Rene introduced the new Chair of the Southern California Regional Council of Organizations, Suzanne Burger, representative of Zonta and the Southern California Ecumenical Council (replacing Jane Burtis as SCRCO Board member). (We wish Carl a speedy recovery.)

5. CCD Region 9 Elections:  Rene Wilson, Election Facilitator, said we would be electing two Steering Committee members this year and that the candidates were Jim Stanbery and Carl Mariz.  Only Presidents cast ballots.   If elected, Jim and Carl would be serving a second 2-year term.  In the afternoon, it was announced that they were elected unanimously.

6. Upcoming Division events and Reports

  • Shirley handed out the new website, which required input for the pages in blue, “Under Construction.” Please submit in *.doc form. Four will be going to the National Convention (unclear how many votes can they represent for the 40 eligible votes not going.)
  • Ardi passed a sign up sheet for the Great Park presentation.
  • Jim Van der Water called in from SD: they have 4 programs in the can and asked our support to make 20-30 more UN episodes with commentators so that Jerry Tullerman (Citizens for Global Alliance) can approach public access TV in Carlsbad and Oceanside area. Sherry presented her credentials and Barry Simon and Gordon’s monthly program on Charter’s Channel 56 “Friend or Foe” starting Feb 7th. Support for Jim was voted. He will report in 2 months.
  • Rome gave VP of Resources Rpt and presented a list of potential donors from UNBC. People working in those Business Council firms are requested to network with Rome before approaching them.
  • Richard had no rpt for Chapter Relations (We all wished Carol well, from her bicycle accident.)
  • Diane rpt as First VP of Programs: the Annual Mtg and follow up work with LB elementary schools’ book drive for adopted schools in Mexico. A multicultural theme party at Great Park Irvine was approved for this year’s Annual Mtg.

7. Chapter Rpt. Ardi remarked that the State of the Division is strong.

  • Harry rpt that Citrus Chapter is reorganizing, and handed out a list of programs.
  • Diane rpt for Coastline, Harbor and Long Beach: Spring forward program, alternate energy at UCI, website of Coastal Alliance and Baja School adoption program.
  • John Osborn rpt on the closing of the Orange County shop.
  • Ted rpt on Pacific LA: HS essay contest, ringing of peace bell and Human Rights (HR) film festival.
  • Mel rpt on Pomona’s membership day, Darfur event 11/06, 53 HS essay entrants, potluck annual meeting, 3 attending NYC meeting on MUN and African Committee.
  • (See Jim van der Water for rpt from San Diego.)
  • Sherry rpt for Pasadena/Foothill: Judith Harris and Ester Gilles are new co-presidents. Snortland is now program chair with monthly coffee talks, YPIC chapter, Speakers Bureau and Brice Harris’ MUN at PCC.
  • David rpt on San Fernando Valley: honoring HS essay contest winner 1/28 and Dr. Row bringing $4000 and dental care to Kabul.
  • Bice rpt for Whittier’s Great Decisions program and getting a UN class into HS or JC.

8. No rpt from Education or Sustainability.

  • Matthew made HR rpt on HS International Peace Mural and that Rebecca is no longer active. He will be at UCLA moderating a panel on Peace and Justice 2/17. Ted distributed a flyer on the same event, sponsored by the International Criminal Court Alliance. Sherry invited Matthew to the 2.7th event. There was a heated discussion between Matthew (opposing the UN HR Council politics) and Ardi (supporting all HR Council programs.)
  • Dr. Salderberger presented her credentials and asked support for MDG goals. Ardi joined her Global Health Committee.
  • Stevan rpt on Education and distributed Dr. McKenzie’s list of UNA-USA educational programs. The global classroom is getting more Divisional support on 6.2nd. Essay contest and People Speak programs at Pasadena and Pomona. CalMUN 3.3rd, LB program at Queen Mary, request for applicants to the Lynn Davanzo Scholarship, SD 3.22nd dinner program, collegiate attended NYC meeting, and the AmPac Program.
  • Sherry rpt on the Africa Task Force, and that “Challenges Africa Promises Africa” has been expanded to a 3-day program, but postponed. Still the $40,000 in kind donation from USC might be made into an “Adopt a Minefield style” program with may be George Clooney. Please come to the UCLA event 2/17. See HR rpt.
  • David rpt on YPIC, Soka alliance, YPIC to LB and speaker panels. He was urged to submit his paper to the website in *.doc format.
  • Ardi instructed Diane to make business cards for all VP’s and Chairs.

9. Divisional Action Plan Implementation. (See 3. Above.)
10. Division new Website & Manager. See 5 “under construction” above. Ardi, Mel and Shirley are authorized to upload pages submitted from “all”.
11. Suzanne made Regional Council of Organization Rpt, “affiliated with the Division.” She reported on their retreat last week on how to work with UNA-USA and other members of the Council. The 2 hrs planning produced a strat plan very much like ours (enclosed.)
Ardi rpt on the Multicultural Center, Great Park in Irvine and asked for support from Division (voted) and RCO. After some comment from Suzanne, it was noted that RCO was affiliated with the Division, and hence gave Ardi support with the vote.
12. Lyn rpt on the Chapters’ resolutions submitted for the National Convention. A survey showed those present overwhelmingly support all resolutions.  Stevan reminded everyone to take pictures at the Convention and others for the website.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Kam Leung, Sec’y. 

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