UNA SoCal Events - 2007
Southern Calif. Division Annual Meeting - Nov 10
The Southern California Division's Annual Meeting will take place
on Saturday, November 10 in San Diego. The meeting will be held
at the Mission Valley Resort from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Southern California Model UN Training Day Information - October
Southern California Model UN Training Day
UNA-SoCal Board Meeting, August 4
UNA-SoCal Board Meeting, Location: UNA-USA Pasadena - 75 S. Grand
Ave., Pasadena, CA 91105 - Office Tel: (626) 449-1795
Going Green Celebration - June3
United Nations World Environment Day
- 4-7 PM, Western Justice Center, 55 S. Grand Avenue, Pasadena
- Sponsor: UNA Pasadena/Foothill Chapter - Call 626-449-1795
Gloral Classrooms - June 2
The Global Classrooms®: Los Angeles Model United Nations Conferences
presents Conference II (for new and experienced middle and high
schools) Davidson Conference Center, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA
United Nations Association - Coastline
Chapter - May 12, 2007
May 12th 9-1 p.m. UCI Lab Room 248
“Fighting Global Warming”
What you can do as an individual or family.
What your City or County can do.
Mayor and City Councilmen will be making presentations.
Free to Public.
Meeting with William Luers, President UNA-USA - April 27, 2007
Date: Friday, April 27, 2007
Time: 3:00 to 5:00 pm
Place: Decker Hall, 660 Avery Road, Claremont, CA 91711
Mr. Luers will discuss changes and future trends of the UNA-USA.
United Nations Association - San
Fernando Valley Chapter - April 24, 2007
Tuesday, April 24th – 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM.
UNA- San Fernando Valley Chapter, YPIC, and the CSUN Political
Science Department invite you to hear:
“A life of Humanitarian Service in
the United Nations & Careers in World Affairs"
Dr. Muller is a former Assistant Secretary General to three consecutive
Secretaries General at the UN. He is currently the Chancellor Emeritus
of the Pece University, Costa Rica.
University Student Union Flintridge Room, California State
University at Northridge. For information call 818-414-1637.
Admission Free.
Lunch & refreshments will be provided.
United Nations Association - Whittier
Chapter - April 21, 2007
Invites you to a rare presentation by
Author of NEMESIS: The Last Days of the American
In his new book, former CIA analyst, distinguished scholar,
and best-selling author Chalmers Johnson warns
that US military and economic overreach may actually lead
to the nation's collapse as a constitutional republic. It's
the last volume in his Blowback trilogy, following the best-selling "Blowback" and "The
Sorrows of Empire." In those two books Johnson documented
how American clandestine and military activity has led to
unintended, but disastrous consequences for the United States. |
1:30 Meet and Greet / Book Sale / 2:00 Presentation
13205 Philadelphia St., Whittier, CA 90601
Presentation will be followed by:
and the First Friends “Peace
Café” 4:00 – 10:00 pm
For Child Care or more information call:
Rev. Bill Miller 562 945-6975 or Carol Urner
562 696 5215
June 2, 2007, The Global Classrooms®: Los Angeles
Model United Nations Conferences - Conference
II (for new and experienced middle and high schools)
Davidson Conference Center, University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA - Visit
the UNA-USA Global Classrooms Website for complete information
2007 UNA-USA Convention, New York, NY, Feb. 28, March 4, 2007
Ardishir Rashidi-Kalhur's Report
from the Convention
8:30-10:15 AM, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 2007
Last April, the SoCal chapters met to determine our most important
goals and objectives to be more effective as individual chapters
and as a division. Following this effort, each chapter was
invited over the summer to prepare their specific Action Plan within
shared goals and objectives. The Action Plans (as they have developed
to date) show great potential for synergy across chapters. By
working with the Division Vice Presidents as coordinators, each
of the chapters has a chance to share the best ideas from all chapters
going forward in the next two years. The individual chapters
Action Plans contain valuable, specific strategies while the broader
goals and common strategies offer a chance to build on and share
each others’ successes. The plan was formally presented
and unanimously endorsed at our Southern California division annual
meeting this past November, and you can find it under “Division
Priority Items” at our new division website, www.una-socal.org .
The matrix of Action Plans across chapters shows many commonalities: Goal
#1 Expanding Communication; increased
use of email and websites to reach out along with targeting
schools and sister NGOs for effective education focusing on
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and using Model United
Nations (MUNs), Goal #2 Undertaking
Programs; most chapters plan increased visibility and
advocacy around UN Day and subjects (such as MDGs), regular
chapter monthly programs and co-sponsored events along with
speakers bureaus and essay contests, Goal
#3 Building Membership; many chapters have dedicated
strategies and chapter board responsibility for seeking new
members and holding membership events, and Goal
#4 Developing Financial Resources; several newsletter
and web-based individual contribution strategies and partnering
with corporate and community sponsors. Many chapters include
working with National UNA-USA across their objectives and strategies.
The next step is to involve as many of you as possible
in specifically planning how our chapters can work with the division’s
vice presidents in realizing the objectives chapters set for
themselves in the matrix.
This will be the focus of the session, at which
Pacific/Los Angeles, Whittier, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura Chapter
leaders can add specific input from or get ideas for their chapters.
Session Format (1 hour):
Where the Action Plan Stands Now: 15 min.,
chaired by Mel Boynton, featuring Q & A from participants to
clarify the background and content of the action plan.
Possible Adjustments in the Current Grid: 20
min., chaired by Jim Stanbery, focusing participant suggestions
on how the current plan might be strengthened, with Mel Boynton
inserting these suggestions into the action plan grid.
Division-Level Help in Chapter Implementation of the Plan: 20
min., co-chaired by Richard Harris, Division Vice President for
Chapter Development, along with any other division vice presidents
attending the meeting, to focus participant suggestions on specific
ways the divisions’ vice presidents can facilitate implementation
by the chapters of the priorities they’ve adopted, with Mel
Boynton inserting these suggestions into the action plan grid adjusted
to display vice presidential roles in implementation of the plan.
2007 Biennial National Convention: Ellen
Snortland’s One-Woman Show
Just added to the events surrounding the 2007 Convention
program is…
Now That She's Gone - Unraveling the Mystery of My Mother
A One-Woman Show Written & Performed by Ellen Snortland
Saturday, March 3, 2007
8:00 pm
Roosevelt Hotel
45th at Madison Avenue
New York City
$25 includes UNA membership
Current UNA members: $20
Students: $10
Tickets available at the door.
Please note that ‘full meeting’ and ‘day rate’ Convention
registration fees do not include admission to this performance.
Make reservation online now at www.unausa.org/07convention <http://www.unausa.org/07convention> .
Gloria Steinem says, "Ellen Snortland's one-woman play, "Now
That She's Gone," is what good theater is all about. Her funny
and tragic, particular and universal story sends us home with a
better understanding of our own."
“Now That She's Gone” is a staged reading that explores Ellen Snortland's
often wacky, irreverent and sometimes torturous relationship with her Norwegian-American
mother. Now That She's Gone has been described as a Lily Tomlin/Garrison Keillor/Eve
Ensler hybrid...passionate, poignant and funny in turns. A memoir piece
with Eleanor Roosevelt, sex, drugs and lutefisk, the play and performance have
received rave reviews and standing ovations in California, New York, and Washington,
Ellen Snortland is the author of “Beauty Bites Beast: Awakening
the Warrior within Women and Girls,” is a weekly columnist
with the Pasadena Weekly and a contributor to Ms. Magazine.
Contact Ellen: www.snortland.com <http://www.snortland.com/>
Finding Peace and Justice in Africa - February 17, 2007
The Division Board encourages support of
this currently vital event.
February 17, 2007, 9a.m.-4:30p.m.
The University of California Los Angeles
(School of Public Policy, Rooms 2343 & 2355-Parking #3)
Co-hosted by:
The Africa Diaspora Foundation,
The UCLA Black Faculty and Staff Association and
The International Criminal Court Alliance
National High School Essay Contest
Southern California
Chapter Winners
Congratulations to:
Pomona Valley, California
Carlee Joe
San Fernando Valley, California
Clara Martin,
San Diego
Yuri Pacheco.
Long Beach
Archived Chapter and Division Meetings & Events:
Events 2006
Events 2005
Events 2004
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