Meeting Minutes

General Board Meeting Minutes - April 19, 2008

Approved Minutes - General Board Meeting - April 19, 2008 (PDF)

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2008

UNA-USA Southern California Division (SCD) – Region 9
Executive Committee Meeting - Shilo Inn, Diamond Bar, CA

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Members Present:
Carl Mariz---President
Ardishir Rashidi-Kalhur---Immediate Past-President/Global Health Chair           
Diane Gonzalez---VP Program
Jim Stanbery---Treasurer
David Tuckman---Secretary
Mel Boynton---VP Communications
Judith Harris---Pasadena/Foothills Rep to SCD Exec. Committee/Chap. Pres.

Call to Order/Meeting Opened: 1:00 PM
Tuckman - presented a DRAFT copy of the January 26 General Meeting Minutes (Pilgrims Place – Porter Hall) for review of the Executive Board. A copy of the revised small and large print Roster of Board Officers/Contact List was passed out to the Board to review and submit corrections. Address and number corrections were made and added by the Secretary. Between this meeting and the next general meeting the board will submit any additional corrections to the secretary. A revised copy will be provided at the next general meeting.

Mariz - presented a soft-cover copy of Roberts Rules of Order (RRO) to the Secretary. He requested that the Secretary do short form minutes (about 2-pages) that are brief pursuant to RRO and may, also, do more detailed version (approximately 10-pages) as is presently done.

Stanbery -  the long version would be great for the archives

TREASURERS REPORT                                                                                                               
Stanbery -  presented the Treasurer’s Ledger of 1/26/08 to 3/1/08. Topics covered were proposed budget for 2008 [as adopted 1/26/08]; Chapter Per Capitas; income, expenses and deposits. It was noted that the Division lost money on the General Meeting due to a miscalculation on the cost of the luncheon. The cost per member was $15 but each member was charged 12 resulting in the Division paying the difference to Pilgrims Place. The board requests that all members who attended and had lunch voluntarily pay the $3 difference. Officers who paid the $3 were: Mariz, J. Harris, Boynton, Rashidi-Kalhur and Gonzalez.

DAVANZO ACCOUNT: Tuckman: asked which account is earmarked for Model UN (MUN). Gonzalez: Davanzo Account is for CALMUN. Davanzo is an account used for low income grants for delegates to CALMUN Conferences. Rashidi: would like to see the board transfer the funds from Davanzo to the Education Committee so it may be used fir CALMUN, WESTMUN, et al.

VP PROGRAM ANNUAL MEETING Gonzalez - inquired what shall be done for UN Day. Hicks - said her chapter partnered for Human Rights Day w/Pasadena and may combine event for annual Meeting. Gonzalez – said we need to find out from chapters what they would like for an Annual Meeting program.  We need to get more people to both chapter and Division annual meetings. If cost is an issue we need to find ways to make it more cost effective but still maintain quality program/meals. Tuckman – suggests we use the estate of a member as venue keeping the cost down with catered meals and no room fee. Levine – loves the estate idea because we can use rooms and a terrace. Rashidi – says educational and cultural components are key. Boynton – Five years ago we had 1800 members. Now we have 850. We are targeting 75. Harris – it’s a matter of contacting presidents to see what type of program they want.

WEBSITE- Boynton -We need more content to make UNA-SCD Webpage more engaging, a group pictures of the Div. Officers and chapter events/officers. We need to encourage all chapters to get web pages.

PSAs – Boynton - We are working toward Hollywood type Public Service Announcements (PSA) that can run on cable and on chapter websites. Mariz – we can do KOCE; KCET; NPR. Boynton- UNA-USA does have web links to your chapter sites.

ACTIVE ROLES Members can be active in both chapters and/or divisions in various committees.

Rashidi-KalhurHad productive meeting in Pasadena planning July conference “Global Burden of Diseases” to be held at Pasadena Convention Center. Heather Ross will be moderator. KTIE RADIO interviewed Rashidi-Kalhur on Green Power Report that airs 3/10 & 3/17 and on internet.

Stanbery - reported on a productive 2hr mtg. where the chapter wants to keep going.

Tuckman - presented a copy of Rosenthal’s letter to Mariz/L. Harris Hicks & Tuckman about misunderstanding on how the human rights chair title was used on a letter sent out. Rosenthal’s e-mail says it was an internal letter to Division board members and not the general membership. Mariz -  informed the board that he has asked & appointed Norma Foster, President of Pacific LA Chap to be new chair + a co-chair. Matthew Rosenthal will be invited to stay on and be mentored.

New co-chairs are: Jim Wallstead, Carol Urner and Catharine Dishion. Lyn Harris Hicks as mentor.

 to approved the Monterey Bay Chapter resolution with the exception that the words in brackets are replaced with "the Executive Committee of the Southern California Division." "Hopeful that the recent National Intelligence Estimate will reduce the likelihood of any US military attack against Iran, the [750-member Monterey Bay Chapter] of the United Nations Association of the USA reaffirms its opposition to "unilateral, preemptive, or unprovoked use of force" against Iran. (from Resolution #14 adopted at the March 2007 UNA-USA National Convention.) Such an attack would be a flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter; have catastrophic impacts on America's global leadership; and further enrage the Muslim world, seriously endangering US personnel and interests as well as peace and stability in the Middle East and beyond.  Its impacts on international energy markets and the American and global economy could prove disastrous. Dealing successfully with the problems posed by Iran will require a clear focus on the issue that concerns the entire international community -- nuclear nonproliferation -- in order to sustain a global coalition.  Active engagement, multilateral pressures, and United Nations credibility will be far more likely to resolve the problems than unilateral military action. A US military attack would also serve to undermine the credibility of the United Nations framework for peace and security, on which the world relies."
Regional YPIC Event: Children’s Hunger Fund Service Project to make food/hygiene kits for impoverished families in Africa, Asia, Europe and north America at CHF Headquarters in Pacoima on 4/5/08 9am-noon with group lunch a local restaurant following project. Details to be sent to chapter presidents/YPIC chairs shortly.

Citrus Chapter Retirement Celebration. Cask ‘N Cleaver Restaurant, 1333 University Ave. (near Iowa Ave.), Riverside, CA Mon. Mar. 3 honoring Harry Hood. Speaker: Kevin Grisham on “Global Studies & Model UN” For info: Marelyn MacKay, (951) 341-0989.

Meeting Adjourned: 3:00 PM:

MEETING MINUTES BY: David Tuckman, Secretary

NEXT MTG: Gen. Mtg: 4/19 11am-3pm,San Diego/Exec Mtg: 5/31 Noon-3pm Shiloh Inn, Diamond Bar


Archived Minutes 2007


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