2012 - SoCal UNA-USA Region/Division Board MeetingsGeneral SoCal UNA-USA Board Meetings: 2012 (all members and guests welcome)Saturday Jan 28th, 11:00am - 2:00pm, General SoCal UNA Board Meeting, division board members expected, all members & guests welcome: Marie Callender's, 29051 S Western Ave, San Pedro, CA 90732. (310) 832-4559 Saturday, March 24th (San Fernando Valley hosting - Download FLYER with all information) Saturday, June 23rd - il Fornaio, 24 W. Union St., Pasadena 91103. 12- 3pm - Please click here for online reservations, information or payment. Reservations and payment must be made by June 20. Directions (PDF) Saturday, September 15th – DUE TO BUSY SUMMER SCHEDULES, THIS MEETING IS BEING POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE.
Saturday, November 3rd Annual Meeting - Photos from event
SoCal Division UNA-USA Executive Committee Meetings - 2012 (division officers expected)Saturday, February 25th -D'Antonio's, 808 North Diamond Bar Boulevard, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909) 860-3663. Meeting time is now 12 noon to 2:30 PM. (NOTE CHANGE OF MEETING PLACE) Saturday, May 19th* Saturday, October 13th - The Hangout Cafe, Diamond Bar Saturday, December 1st*
* LAX executive committee meetings at Gourmet Wok (formerly the Flower Drum Restaurant), 4843
W. Century Blvd., Inglewood, CA, 90304
Minutes: UNA-USA SoCal Division Annual Meeting,Women's City Club, Pasadena - Nov 3, 2012 WESTMUN XX (March 29-31, 2012) - Final Report to Division