Statement of Purpose

The United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan national organization dedicated to enhancing U.S. participation in the United Nations system and to strengthening that system as it seeks to define and carry out its mission. UNA-USA's action agenda uniquely combines education and public research, substantive policy analysis, and ongoing U.S.-U.N. dialogue.


The Association traces its founding to 1943 and the birth of the American Association for the United Nations (AAUN), a citizen-based organization led by Eleanor Roosevelt and dedicated to educating American about the U.N. and global issues. In 1964, the AAUN merged with the U.S. Committee for the United Nations, composed of 138 national organizations supporting the work of the world body, thereby creating the United Nations Association of today.

Better World Fund
UN News Service
UN Chronicle
Un Foundation