Division Resolutions for June, 2009 UNA-USA Convention

Completed Division Resolutions

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Note from Lyn Hicks(6/5/09): Southern California Division UNA-USA delegates will present eight government relations policy resolutions, a business resolution and a commendatory proclamation, in United Nations Association biennial national convention in Washington D.C. June 12-14. To view the originals, submitted by the chapter presidents in March, 2009, view resolutions on this page, to compare with the final (revised, or, retained original language) click here.

To view resolutions submitted from chapters/divisions outside of Southern California
requesting support in the convention: see #9 & #10 below.

To view SoCal resolutions adopted by Convention 2005 click here….approved by SoCal Division 2007, click here.

Chapter presidents or advocates will seek presenter delegates (three for each resolution, to present at the microphone in the discussion sessions, Friday morning of the convention. The discussion sessions will be split in three rooms to adjust to room size constraints, but the Sunday morning final voting will be held in the larger facility. Chapter board members, please participate in your president’s polling process.

This is not a duplicate poll. If your chapter has already reviewed and polled, that is sufficient. Otherwise, please communicate your preferences to your president or advocate, or whomever your president designates.



Note: Revisions below are in red. This page revised 6/9/09

  1. UNA-USA Global Policy Project- Southern California Division
  2. People to People Promotion of Millennium Development Goals- Long Beach/South Bay Chapter (formerly Coastline, Harbor, and Long Beach Chapters)
  3. "Work Through the United Nations" - Pasadena-Foothills Chapter
  4. "Sustainable World Future" - San Fernando Valley Chapter, Co-Sponsor Los Angeles-Pacific Chapter
  5. "Nuclear Free World - Nuclear Energy Non-Proliferation"" - Inland Empire & San Fernando Valley Chapters Not a resolution for consideration for vote...proposed to be completed as a Commendatory Proclamation for presentation and distribution in the Convention.
  6. "Resolution of Kashmir dispute" - Whittier Chapter
  7. "Nuclear Nexus: National/International Crisis - NUCLEAR POWER/ NUCLEAR ARMAMENTS" - Combined resolutions of Co-Sponsors San Fernando Valley Chapter and Santa Barbara - Tri Counties Chapter
  8. "Resolution for Kurdish Human Rights and Territories" - Ardi Rashidi-Kalhu, Pomona Valley and Whittier Chapters
  9. "Educate UNA about the Threat US Strategic Command Poses to the Peacemaking Goals of the United Nations"- Carol Urner [Request for Support of Nebraska Resolution]Not a Division resolution for consideration for vote.
  10. "Supporting Increased International Education in US Public Schools" - Request for Support of Santa Cruz ResolutionNot a Division resolution for consideration for vote.
  11. "Toward a Peaceful End:  Resolving the Israeli and Palestinian Conflict" - Inland Empire Chapter
  12. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Inland Empire Chapter
  13. Rediscovering the United Nations - Pasadena/Foothill Chapter

1.  B.1 UNA-USA Global Policy Project

Submitted by Southern California Division

[Note: This resolution has a revised version on the "Completed Resolutions" page]

The National Convention of the United Nations Association of the United States of America,

Noting that Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has called upon the UNA-USA Business Council to promote the principles of peace and security in order to create stable communities and economies through trade and investment (see appendix),

Affirming that one of the primary functions of the UNA-USA is to educate the general public as well as UNA-USA members about the work of the United Nations in order to promote the reduction of poverty, human rights and the responsible stewardship of the environment,

Recalling that between 1984 and 1997, UNA-USA undertook eleven multilateral studies of global issues linking UNA-USA chapters and divisions with local community groups in bringing prominent people, experts, and ordinary citizens together to participate in these studies, sometimes called “citizens’ blueprints for global action” and widely distributed to the national media and policymakers in the U.S. and at the United Nations,

Acknowledging the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its principles are reflected in UNA-USA’s Global Advocacy Agenda;

Observing that through advocacy efforts, the UNA-USA has the capability to shape U.S. foreign policy and strengthen its relationship with the United Nations;

Recognizing President Barack Obama’s commitment to the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals;

Determined to uphold President Obama’s call to improve America’s global image through citizen diplomacy,


Urges the UNA-USA Board of Directors re-institute the Global Policy Project in order to study, identify and address multilateral, UN-related policy issues regarding peace, security and the Millennium Development Goals in order to inform the UNA Advocacy Agenda and assist local chapters and units coordinate effective education and advocacy efforts, and

Suggests that various structural arrangements between the National and the Chapters, including the Young Professionals for International Cooperation and the UNA-USA-affiliated non-governmental organizations, for the newly revised Global Policy Project be reviewed to identify an effective design that would attract not only members of the UNA-USA, but individuals, students, entrepreneurs, and business organizations from the local community population.


“Today’s collaboration between the United Nations and other partners recalls the Organization’s foundational spirit, when politicians, scholars, business leaders and others shared the belief that business, trade and investment were essential pillars of peace and prosperity.  As Secretary-General, I am enthusiastic about carrying forward this spirit.  I believe you will find in me someone who is focused on real results and interested in engaging with you.  I, in turn, will look to you for help and support, including for the UN’s renovation.  We need you to advance universal principles within your spheres of influence.  And I hope that you will also speak out in favour of a strong United Nations, in New York and around the world, and on the importance of US leadership and engagement in the Organization.”

Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon

10 January 2007

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2. People to People Promotion of Millennium Development Goals

Sponsored by: Long Beach - South Bay Chapter
Approved by Southern California Division UNA-USA 2007 Updated 3/2009

Note: Long Beach - South Bay Chapter (formerly Coastline, Harbor and Long Beach Chapters)

[Note: This resolution has a revised version on the "Completed Resolutions" page]

The 2009 Biennial National Convention of the United Nations Association USA

ENCOURAGED: that the Millennium Development Goals adopted by the 192 UN member governments, the entire world family of nations, symbolize  beginning of a new unity of humanitarian efforts to reduce worldwide suffering;

HOPEFUL: that the pleas of hundreds of millions of men and women through all nations for cessation of people to people war and brutality, will be heard by their nation leaders as a call for transition from investment in war---to investment in people-needs.

CONVINCED: that attainment of the Millennium Development Goals can be the reversal change of the current global descent into poverty and degradation---can boost and enable families who are struggling to survive. 

that governments of the prosperous nations may not respond with
large-scale projects and funding unless a great volume of voices of citizens of goodwill is sounded to alert and challenge the leaders.

THEREFORE: SEEKS: to involve all chapters, divisions, UN Council of Organizations entities, and appropriate staff departments of UNA-USA in a people-to-people campaign for the Millennium Development Goals to offer public note of appreciation, commendation through the media, through participating organizations, and other venues, to and for, non-governmental, individual and corporate leaders who effect exceptional MDG progress in third or fourth world towns or cities in which they serve or operate;

APPEALS: to the government of the United States to establish a Peace Department in the US federal government structure, to provide peaceprocess information, recruitment and support for government, corporate, foundation, educational institutions and citizen organization people-to-people, for profit and nonprofit peacebuilding efforts; and that initial thrust of the new department be public information and public participation projects and programs toward achievement of the Millennium Goals, and

FURTHER: that the new department be designated to work with and through the UN’s new Peacebuilding Commission, and

FURTHER REQUEST: That this resolution be communicated to appropriate United States government officials, to President Barack Obama, to Ambassador Susan Rice, to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to World Federation of United Nations Associations President Hans Blix, and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki moon.

3.  Work Through the United Nations

[Note: This resolution is a copy of the version on the "Completed Resolutions" page]

Sponsored by:  Pasadena-Foothills Chapter
Approved by Southern California Division UNA-USA 2007, update revisions 3-2009

Delegates to the 2009 Biennial Convention of the United Nations Association-USA

Recognizing the benefits to the peoples of the world that United States leadership in the United Nations could offer,

Realizing that United States’ goals---expressed mutually with the peoples of the United Nations in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals---may be achieved only by “working through the UN.”

Aware that peace building, the priority goal of the people of the United States in the international community, must be a common endeavor of the world’s peoples, 

Appealing to the members and leaders of the United Nations Association-USA and its affiliated Council of  Organizations to reaffirm their determination to bring the USA into alignment with the other 192 nations of the United Nations, in commitment and action to achieve these goals, and

Pledge to the World Federation of United Nations Associations to unite our efforts to gain US government action to ‘work through the United Nations’ to:

End the Iraq conflict,

Bring peace to Israel and Palestine,

Contain nuclear proliferation in Iran and North Korea,

End the Darfur conflict and aid Africa development,

Pay our UN dues, in full, when due,

Encourage our United States delegate to the United Nations to appreciate the opportunity that the United Nations provides to us in the United States, and to the peoples of our world.

Commend Congressional and Presidential allocation of 2009 $50 million grant to the United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA), and request that earlier five years of Congressional approved funding to the United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA), that has been withheld by the previous US Government Administration, be dedicated to expanded UNFPA future programs in the Millennium Goals target poverty areas;

Ratify the UN human rights conventions that have won the commitment of all except a few governments: The Convention on the Rights of the Child, The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;

And return to the path of international law, by ratification and adherence to almost universally ratified UN treaties:  the International Test-Ban, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, The Kyoto Accords, the Landmine Ban, the Law of the Sea, and ratification of the International Criminal Court.  First Priority---The United Nations Millennium Development Goals

Further Request the members, officers and staff of all UNA-USA to promote, publicize and diligently pursue these goals, working through the United Nations, in peace process.

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4.  Sustainable World Future - San Fernando Valley Chapter, Co-Sponsor Los Angeles-Pacific Chapter

[Note: This resolution has a revised version on the "Completed Resolutions" page]

Knowing that the population of the earth is 6.7 billion - and growing;

Believing estimates that 3 billion people are living on less than $2.00 a day and almost half of these are living on less that $1.00 a day and are malnourished and suffering;
Understanding that overpopulation is one of the factors resulting in famine, war and genocide;

Finding that the present standard of living in the United States would require 3 earths to provide the same standard world-wide;

Believing that problems of global warming, decreasing biodiversity, insufficient food, decreasing quantity and quality of water, changing energy supply and a violent world, require massive changes in world attitudes;

Therefore be it resolved that UNA promotes adoption of the principle world goal of voluntary family choice of one or two child families and recommends and publicizes this goal worldwide, and,

Commends Congressional and Presidential allocation of 2009 $50 million grant to the United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA), and request that earlier five years of Congressional approved funding to the United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA), that has been withheld by the previous US Government Administration, be dedicated to expanded UNFPA future programs in the Millennium Goals target poverty areas; and

Further Requests that this resolution be communicated to appropriate US legislative committees, to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, and to appropriate United Nations Association and United Nations officials.

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6. Resolution - Whittier Chapter

[Note: This resolution has a revised version on the "Completed Resolutions" page]

The national Convention of the United Nations Association of the United States of America

Whereas, the United States was the co-sponsor of the resolution # 91 that was adopted by the United Nations Security Council on April 21, 1948 that gave the right of self-determination to the people of Kashmir:

Whereas, the Governments of India and Pakistan were parties to the resolutions of the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIO) that were adopted in 1948 and 1949 which recognized the Kashmiri people's right to self determination:

Noting that, India has 700,000 military and Para military personnel stationed in Kashmir and ever-increasing repression of political debate, arbitrary roundups and illegal detentions have steadily increased over the years.

Noting that, freedom and self-determination are basic principals of both the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Recognizing that, two wars have been fought between India and Pakistan over the issue of Kashmir with no resolution.

Noting that, these two powers now have deployable nuclear weapons.

Noting, that the All Parties Hurriyet Conference wants to resolve the Kashmir dispute peacefully through tripartite negotiations between India, Pakistan and the Kashmiri leadership.

Noting also that, the Tashkent Agreement of 1966, the Simla Agreement of 1972 and the Lahore Declaration of 1998 all failed because they did not include the Kashmiri leadership in the talks.

Reminding that, every United States President from Harry Truman to Barrack Obama have restated the need for this stalemate to be resolved as essential for peace in the South Asian subcontinent and the world.

Further reminding that, each of these Presidents and other world leaders have stated that the resolution of the Kashmir dispute must take into account the wishes and aspirations of the people of Kashmir.

Resolve that the United Nations call on India to show good faith toward initiating tripartite negotiations by taking these immediate unilateral actions:

1. The immediate and complete cessation of military and Para-military actions against the civilian population of Kashmir area.

2. Withdraw military presence from towns and villages;

3. Dismantle bunkers, political prisons, watchtowers and barricades;

4. Release all political prisoners;

5. Restore the rights of peaceful associations, assembly and demonstration;

6. Permit travel without hindrance of Kashmiri leaders who favor a negotiated resolution;

7. Issue visas to exiled Kashmiri leaders to revisit Kashmir to prepare for tripartite negotiations;

8. Agree to enter with Pakistan and duly elected Kashmiri representatives in good faith for a tripartite resolution that considers the rights and wishes of the Kashmir people.

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7.  Nuclear Nexus: National/International Crisis

Combined resolutions of Co-Sponsors San Fernando Valley Chapter and Santa Barbara - Tri Counties Chapter

[Note: This resolution has a revised version on the "Completed Resolutions" page]

United Nations Association-USA delegates in Biennial National Convention, 2009,

Reaffirming the visionary national policy of UNA-USA, since the 1970s, to support and promote transition to clean, benign, abundant, free-fueled renewable energy generation sources, and recognizing the urgency of need for public awareness of nuclear energy generation and nuclear weaponry production as twin, synergistic industrial threat to public health and safety of all life on our planet,

Knowing that the production of nuclear energy generates plutonium that powers nuclear armaments and new spiral of governments seeking nuclear capability, and that that we of the USA must not expect to prohibit other nations from weapons that we allow ourselves to develop and use,

Acknowledging that the 104 US deteriorating nuclear reactors produce no net energy and are not cost effective nor greenhouse gas free, if the full uranium fuel cycle: mining, transporting processing and waste containment/reprocessing, all powered by fossil fuels, is considered.

Realizing that there exists no current solution for disposal or storage of thousands of years-lethal waste; after half a century and $100 billion, no nuclide impermeable barrier has been developed, and that most on-site nuclear waste fuel pools are overcapacity and becoming more dangerous, and further, that temporary on-site storage casks are experimental several decade trials,

Believing that humans are capable of changing course from planetary destruction to planetary peace building and "saving future generations from the scourge of war;" and that all nuclear power in the US can be replaced by conservation, solar, wind, wave and tidal action, co-generation, biofuels and other renewables---within a decade or two;

Therefore, recommends to the US government that we:

1. discontinue all plans to build or replace nuclear plants, close existing plants before they become too dangerous to operate and encourage other nations to phase-out nuclear power;

2. implement United Nations, year 2000 unanimous agreements by all 187 nations party to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT), on steps toward abolition of nuclear weapons, focusing nuclear-nexus awareness on President Obama’s “nuclear free world.” goal, and

3. cooperate with the Obama energy team in creating a robust renewable energy US global industry that can further the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

Be it also requested: that UNA-USA forward this resolution to appropriate United States and United Nations officials, including: President, Barack Obama; Vice President Joseph Biden; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; and Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Susan Rice; Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi; Senate Leader Harry Reid; Federation of United Nations Associations President Dr. Hans Blix, and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
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8.  Resolution for Kurdish Human Rights and Territories

Resolution written by Ardi Rashidi-Kalhur, sponsored by the Pomona Valley and Whittier Chapters

[Note: This resolution has a revised version on the "Completed Resolutions" page]

Whereas the Kurdish people have declared their right to determine their own cultural and ethnic future within the community of nations; based on their reliance on the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which calls for the “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”. In upholding these inalienable rights, and in light of facts in history, past and present, and

Recalling that in the aftermath of WWI, Article XII of the Fourteen Points proposed by President Woodrow Wilson called for the rights of “other nationalities which are now under Turkish rule should be assured an undoubted security of life and an absolutely unmolested opportunity of autonomous development” within the Ottoman Empire which subsequently resulted in the division of Kurdish land among the present states of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and the former Soviet Union, collectively known as the Greater Kurdistan, and

Knowing that in follow up to the division of their homeland, Kurds have resisted the aforementioned dominant powers in the Middle East in response to systematic denial of their rights in Turkey, ongoing Arabization policies by the Syrian government, documented genocides under Saddam Hussein against Kurdish population in Iraq, and the ongoing and systematic assimilation policies by the Islamic government of Iran as reported by the 2008 report by Amnesty International titled, Iran: Human Rights Abuses Against the Kurdish Minority, and

Praising various United Nations Resolutions stressing the right of the Iraqi people freely to determine their own political and economic future as the result of which the majority of internally displaced Kurds have returned to their place of origin, with rights to be counted and participate in a UN sponsored referendum to further determine their inclusion within the region of their choice through vote, and

Requesting that such a referendum be conducted in 2009 under the UN auspices in the disputed areas including the governorates of Diyala, Kirkuk, Saladin and Ninevah and other ethnically mixed areas, to be followed by post-referendum period, when the United Nations recognizes permanently, the line of demarcation between Kurdistan and other similarly recognized regions, and

Furthermore calling on the United Nations to receive periodically a delegation of Kurdish Human Rights activists from all parts of Kurdistan to report and bring to the attention of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the High Commissioners for Human Rights and the United Nations General Assembly and most urgently the ongoing violations of Human Rights against Kurds by the Iranian government as substantiated by the 2008 Amnesty International report, and

Be it resolved that the United Nations Association of the United States of America at its 2009 Convention adopt this resolution and deliver copies to the office of the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Human Rights Council, and the Government of the United States of America for priority action.


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United Nation Associations-USA Inland Empire Chapter

Submitted to UNA Southern California Division 3/30/2009

Submitted to UNA-USA 3/31/2009


11.  Toward a Peaceful End:  Resolving the Israeli and Palestinian Conflict

The General Assembly,

Recalling the tenets of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights as stated in Article 2:

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Supporting Security Council Resolution S/RES/1860, The Situation in the Middle East: The Palestinian Question, to ensure the fulfillment of the humanitarian mission to be conducted by the UNRWA in the Gaza Strip,

Recognizing the need for member states to implement a more equitable and democratic process in the United Nations Security Council, as consensus on sensitive issues cannot be achieved if the veto power is utilized by Permanent Members for purposes other than preserving peace and security to the benefit of the international community in accordance with General Assembly Draft Resolution A/59/L.4,

Recalling the recent decision to observe the sovereignty of Palestine as an independent nation under GA resolution 63/201,

Acknowledging the purpose of GA Resolution 63/22, calling on Member Nations to maintain community and a harmonious environment through inter-religious and intercultural dialogue,

Calls for action on the part of all member states and civil societies to recognize that all acts costing human lives on either side are to be denounced and condemned,

Calls for the Security Council to review the Two-State solution already in place and that a process that is acceptable to both parties to resolve the Palestinian Question to Statehood, such that,

    a. recognition of both the Palestinian and Israeli State in accordance with Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights be considered and put into effect,

    b. establishes for membership status of the Palestinian State,

Further recognizes and endorses reform of the use veto power by Member States of the Security Council, in order to end the conflicts in the Middle East (i.e. Palestine and Israeli Conflict), and to achieve a long lasting solution which would be acceptable to concerned citizens,

Suggests that an independent body under the auspices of the United Nations, such as UNESCO, be appointed to declare and monitor the historical and holy sites of Jerusalem as Heritage Sites in order to remove flash points, and subsequently, avoid future conflicts so that everyone from any religion, caste, creed and color may be allowed to visit and perform religious rituals,

Proposes that a forum be established to promote a dialogue for both sides in the hope that a healing and a mutually peaceful future emerged for the region and for the Israeli and Palestinian posterity,

Calls upon U.N. agencies, Member States and civil society to provide cultural and educational exchange opportunities for the purpose of sustaining dialogue and fostering conflict prevention skills among youth in the region.

12.  S.14 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Submitted by Renee Day, Inland Empire Chapter

The National Convention of the United Nations Association of the United States of America,

[Note: This resolution is a copy of the revised version on the "Completed Resolutions" page]

Recalling the tenets of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights which encourage the international community to strive for a world where all people have life, liberty, and security of person;

Upholding the U.N. Charter and General Assembly Resolution 62/70 regarding the principle of the rule of law at national and international levels;

Recognizing that the conflict between Israel and Palestine represents one of the most complex and consequential of challenges facing the world;

Noting the Security Council’s inaction on this issue, in part, due to the use of the veto power for purposes other than preserving peace and security to benefit the international community;

Recalling UN Security Council resolutions 242 of 1967 and 338 of 1973, the Camp David peace accords of 1978, the Arab League Initiative of 2002, the Roadmap proposed in 2003 by the diplomatic Quartet (consisting of the UN, US, European Union, and Russia), the Draft Permanent Status Agreement of 2003 (the Geneva Accord), as well as other meetings held and proposals considered over many years;

Appreciating the efforts made by former and current UN Secretary-Generals and U.S. Presidents to resolve the conflict;


Affirms that the ultimate goal of a comprehensive and peaceful settlement must be a mutually acceptable agreement providing for both the security of the State of Israel within internationally recognized borders, and agreement on a viable, secure, and independent sovereign state for the Palestinian people;

Supports the UN Security Council Resolution 1860, which condemns all violence and hostilities directed against civilians in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

Urges United States representatives to work constructively with member nations of the Security Council in order to support multi-lateral solutions;

Calls upon the US government to support the United Nations to resolve this issue and intensify its diplomatic efforts to encourage discussions between the Israeli and Palestinian leadership and to help forge a comprehensive final peace settlement between the Israelis and Palestinians based on a two-state solution;

Calls upon UN Agencies, Member States (including the US), civil society and political pressure groups to establish dialogue and foster understanding among youth, adults, and leaderships to promote a healing and mutually peaceful future for the region and world as a whole.


Proposes that an independent body be under the auspices of United Nations governance be appointed to monitor the holy and historical sites of Jerusalem as Heritage sites in order to remove the flash point for conflict to protect the freedom of all persons who may wish to visit and worship according to their cultural tradition.


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13.  S.1 Rediscovering the United Nations
- sponsored by Pasadena-Foothills Chapter

[Note: This resolution is a copy of the version on the "Completed Resolutions" page]

Delegates to the 2009 Biennial Convention of the United Nations Association-USA

Acknowledging that ambivalence, and sometimes even animosity, toward international law and international institutions have waxed and waned in the decades since American leadership and vision locked into place the multi-faceted United Nations system, cresting during the past decade;

Observing that over this decade the U.S. actions contradicting obligations in international law concerning use of force, torture, human rights, financial assessments for international operations, and collective maintenance of peace and security have estranged America from its allies, shattered America’s credibility and support from world publics, and vastly increased friction and resistance to U.S. initiatives;

Seeing President George W. Bush’s quiet rapprochement with the United Nations during his second term, on issues from Lebanon to Iran to Sudan and the International Criminal Court, as a tacit admission of the bankruptcy of unilateralism;

Applauding President Barack Obama’s promised commitment to “strengthening international institutions” as an affirmative expression of the renewed realization that America cannot successfully lead the international community if it is at odds with the United Nations and the international rule of law;

Recognizing, moreover, the benefits to the peoples of the world that United States leadership in the United Nations could offer;

Realizing that the goals of the United States for international peace and prosperity—affirmed by American presidents of both political parties, endorsed by large majorities of the American public, and jointly agreed with leaders of other countries in world summit declarations—can best and perhaps only be achieved through concerted action of national governments and international agencies;

Affirming that the financial meltdown that has sent the world economy reeling since early 2008 can only be reversed through energetic and coordinated action of all countries, not only wealthy ones—and that, far from being a luxury that can be deferred till the global economy recovers, achievement of the Millennium Development Goals jointly expressed at United Nations summits is a cornerstone of sustainable world economic recovery;

Aware that sustainable peace is a priority goal of the American people—made especially urgent for this generation by the experience of the long, inconclusive wars of this decade—and that the building of peace must be a common endeavor of the world’s peoples, through the institutions legally empowered globally to maintain international peace and security; and

Convinced that Americans’ rediscovery of the United Nations presents opportunities for the United States to regain global respect and leadership, and that as other nations gain influence economically and politically it is urgently in America’s interest to shore up the international rule of law without exception;

The 2009 National Convention of the United Nations Association-USA therefore:

1. Calls on President Obama and the Congress to bring the actions of the United States government into alignment with the obligations embedded in the U.N. Charter and other international treaty law ratified by the United States;

2. Urges the Senate to consider, advise, and consent to multilateral treaty instruments that have long been pending, and in doing so to eschew disabling reservations that would vitiate a treaty’s legal effect;

3. Calls on the President and Congress to take all steps necessary to ensure accountability for serious breaches of international law, whether by Americans or by foreigners, and to give full support to international tribunals undertaking criminal prosecutions and full adherence to the rulings of the International Court of Justice and other international mechanisms empowered to render binding decisions;

4. Urges the Administration and the Congress to act in accordance with resolutions of the U.N. Security Council to maintain peace and security, and to insist on others’ compliance with those obligations;

5. Calls for recognition by the President and the Senate, in the appointment and confirmation of federal judges and justices, of the importance of reciprocal legal obligations in international treaties ratified by the United States, which the U.S. Constitution ordains as the “supreme Law of the Land”;

6. Urges the World Federation of United Nations Associations to join with UNA-USA in rigorously pressing all 192 member governments to align their actions with their stated U.N. commitments, to comply with their international treaty obligations, and to respond seriously to the findings and urgings of competent U.N. bodies and agencies; and

7. Directs the UNA-USA national office to disseminate this resolution to the President, other relevant officials of the Executive Branch, and to appropriate members of Congress, and calls on UNA chapters and divisions and members to bring this resolution to the attention of their elected representatives and local news media.

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